
Patient Rights
Patients receiving services at any time at the Jane Todd Crawford Hospital Healthcare facilities have the right to:
1. Receive support and protection of fundamental human, civil and legal rights.
2. Receive impartial access to care, regardless of race, creed, national origin, religion, sex, ethnicity, age or handicap.
3. Receive health care service, within our capabilities, regardless of the ability to pay.
4. Receive understandable information from their physicians about the nature, purpose, anticipated outcomes, substantial risks and acceptable alternatives of any diagnostic and treatment procedures.
5. Refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed about the consequences of such actions.
6. Receive considerate and respectful care, with consideration to psychosocial, spiritual and cultural needs.
7. Exercise cultural and spiritual beliefs that do not interfere with the medical care or well being of others.
8. Receive respect for the dignity of life from conception to natural death.
9. Be involved in all aspects of their care.
10. Give informed consent and participate in decisions regarding care, treatment plans, procedures and/or services.
11. Be informed of realistic care alternatives when facility care is no longer appropriate.
12. Have personal privacy protected.
13. Have financial and medical records kept confidential in accordance with applicable law.
14. Receive a statement of changes for service provided and receive answers to any questions.
15. Receive appropriate assessment and management of pain.
16. Voice grievances and recommended changes without reprisal. Formal grievances may be filed in writing by sending such correspondence to the Patient Representative, Jane Todd Crawford Hospital, 202 Milby Street, Greensburg, KY 42743. The Patient Representative may also be contacted by telephone at (270) 932-4211. Grievances may also be filed with the state survey agency regardless of whether the organization’s grievance process was used. The state survey address and telephone number is: Division of Licensing and Regulations, Cabinet for Health Services, 116 Commerce Ave., London, KY 40744; telephone number (606) 330-2030.
17. Be informed of the identity and professional status of individuals providing service.
18. Know the relationships of the facility providing care with other health care providers, educational institutions and payers that pertain to the treatment.
19. Receive reasonable continuity of care.
20. Present and execute an advance directive to the extent permitted by law and accordance with the organization’s policy.
21. Receive full disclosure and give informed consent if the hospital proposes to engage in or perform human experimentation affecting their care or treatment, and have the right to refuse to participate in such research projects.
22. Have access to visitors, mail and telephone. If there is a need for communication restrictions, the patient has the right to be informed of the reason, participate in the decision and have the restriction evaluated for therapeutic reasons.
23. Have an ethics process available.
24. Receive access to protective services.
25. Review or obtain a copy of the medical record within a reasonable period of time and to have the information explained or interpreted as necessary, unless access is restricted by their physician for medical reasons.
26. Be free from unwarranted or unreasonable use of restraint or seclusion.
27. Have a family member and the patient’s treating physician notified promptly of the patient’s admission to the hospital.
28. Keep and use personal effects including money, clothes and other items, unless keeping any such item is contrary to their treatment plan, poses a risk of loss, theft or destruction, or is likely to interfere with the treatment of other patients.
29. Be informed of the organization’s rules and regulations that apply to the patient’s conduct.
Additional Rights of Swing Bed Patients
1. The resident has the right to a dignified existence, self-determination and communication with and access to persons and services inside and outside the facility.
2. The resident has the right to be fully informed, in language that he or she can understand, of his or her total health status including but not limited to, his or her medical condition.
3. The resident has the right to refuse treatment, to refuse to participate in experimental research, and to formulate an advance directive.
4. The resident has the right to be informed in writing when changes will occur in their bills including, if the patient is a Medicaid beneficiary; items and services included in nursing facility services under the state plan and for which the resident may not be charged; those items and services that the facility offers and for which the resident may be charged and the amount of charges for those services; and at the time of admission or before and periodically during the stay of the services available in the facility and of charges for those services, including any charges for services not covered under Medicare or by the facility’s per diem rate.
5. The resident has the right to choose a personal attending physician.
6. The resident has the right to be fully informed in advance about care and treatment and any changes in that care that may affect the resident’s well-being.
7. The resident has the right, unless adjudged incompetent or otherwise found to be incapacitated under the laws of the state, to participate in planning care and treatment of changes in care and treatment.
8. The resident has the right to personal privacy and confidentiality for his or her personal arid clinical records including accommodations, medical treatment, written and telephone communications, personal care, visits and meeting of family and resident groups, approval or refusal of release of personal and clinical records except when the resident is transferred to another health care institution or the release is required by law.
9. The resident has the right to refuse to perform services for the facility or the right to perform services if he or she chooses when there is a documented need or desire for work in the plan of care and the plan specifies the nature of the services performed and whether they are voluntary or paid, compensation is at or above prevailing rates and the resident agrees to the work arrangement described in the plan of care.
10. The resident has the right to privacy in written communications including the right to send and promptly receive mail that is unopened, and have access to stationery, postage and writing implements at the resident’s own expense.
11. The resident has the right to immediate access to any representative of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Immediate family or relatives of the resident and others who are visiting with the consent of the resident subject to reasonable restrictions and resident’s right to deny or withdraw consent at any time.
12. The resident has the right to retain and use personal possessions including some furnishings and appropriate clothing as space permits, unless to do so would infringe upon the rights of health and safety of other residents.
13. The resident has the right to share a room with his or her spouse when married residents live in the same facility and both spouses consent to the arrangement.
14. The resident has the right to be free from verbal, sexual, physical, and mental abuse, corporal punishment, and involuntary seclusion.
Patient Responsibilities
Patients receiving services at the Jane Todd Crawford Hospital Healthcare Facilities have the responsibility to:
1. Actively participate in developing and carrying out the plan of care.
2. Provide, to the best of their knowledge, accurate and complete information about matters relating to their health.
3. Report unexpected changes in their condition to their physician and other health care providers.
4. Assist the hospital in assuring safety, comfort and privacy by following all hospital policies and regulations regarding smoking, safety and visiting hours.
5. Be considerate of others by assisting with the control of noise.
6. Provide necessary financial information to assure accurate billing.